Brand positioning + strategy for changemakers who have been called to do phenomenally good things

Brand positioning + strategy for changemakers who have been called to do  phenomenally good things

You aren't interested in building a business just to make a quick profit, and you don't have time to chase short-term wins. 

You believe in the idea that this earth is just a stopping point, a strange detour to our final destination, and you know that while you're here, you want to wring out every last drop of impact and purpose.

So whether you're an organization that wants to magnify that good, or a super smart business owner who wants to reach more people, if the story you've been selling is no longer the story that's serving your dreams and your goals, let's talk.

You want to make an impact in the world

You're in the right place if. . . 


read the case study

Erik jensen, chief strategy officer, predictive roi

“We wanted someone who would look at us from the outside and say, ”This is what the world sees, and I can help you change it so the world can see you as you intend. Lindsay does exactly that, and she does it well.”

How Lindsay Hotmire helped Predictive ROI pivot their brand and reach $1.2M in annual revenue  

Because your next move shouldn't be made on hunches  or one-size-fits-all frameworks



my process

We don't just dream about your next move. 
We put it into action.



Starts at $8,500

 Starts at $8,500


A comprehensive and authentic brand story guide that empowers you to show and tell the most foundational pieces of your brand story


Exact words, phrases, pain points, and dream states of your audience, captured in one solid document for crystal clear insights on the exact audience you're trying to reach 


A deep dive on your top competitors' stories so we can spot the gaps in their messaging and show you exactly where to stand out 


3+ pages of website copy for the most visited pages of your site: home, about, + your key services page


Introductions to my amazing web design partners, if needed (so there's zero need to second guess on how to get rolling once your story is ready to go) 

a few of your deliverables

Swoon-worthy stories - straight from my clients

Stephen Woessner, CEO, Predictive ROI 

"Lindsay's process let us get into the minds of our prospective clients. . . If you're thinking about working alongside Lindsay, you should absolutely, without-a-doubt do it. "

>>Want more stories? Click here.<< 

Ready to make your impact in a bold (but 100% YOU) way?  

let's chat 

Just need someone to help you get out of your own way? 

In this story-shifting 50-minute Strategy Call, we'll map out a few strategic ways to gain traction with your brand story so you can start reaching more right-fit clients and take quick action that will move the needle forward in your business. 



This isn't how-tos or AI-written ideas.

It's my curious heart + mind connecting to your curious heart + mind as we try to find and make meaning in this ever-changing world.

Sign up to meet me in your inbox (on a not-so-regular basis). 

A newsletter that invites you to skip the everyday soundbites, trends, and mantras