Chase bigger things - with unflinching clarity


1:1 clarity coaching for bold changemakers

Chase bigger things - with unflinching clarity

Let's talk about this face-to-face

You’ve done some pretty phenomenal things in life – climbed the business ladder, raised a family, established a good, reliable career. But still. . . your heart is pounding on the wall of your chest, asking for more. 

More impact. More transformation. More opportunity to change the world for the better. 

Friend, I believe (without a shred of doubt) that you have a unique calling upon your life, and that skip-beating heart of yours is trying to tell you something. 

You’ve been made with purpose, on purpose.

And when you’re ready to follow your heart and chase bigger dreams, I’m here to help you silence the self-doubt and build a clear, aligned, and simplified plan so you can boldly live out your calling. 

What might happen if you believed this one powerful truth? 

You’ve done some pretty phenomenal things in life – climbed the business ladder, raised a family, established a good, reliable career. But still. . . your heart is pounding on the wall of your chest, asking for more. 

More impact. More transformation. More opportunity to change the world for the better. 

Friend, I believe (without a shred of doubt) that you have a unique calling upon your life, and that skip-beating heart of yours is trying to tell you something. 

You’ve been made with purpose, on purpose.

And when you’re ready to follow your heart and chase bigger dreams, I’m here to help you silence the self-doubt and build a clear, aligned, and simplified plan so you can boldly live out your calling. 


Your purpose, your mission, and your heart-thumping calling are exactly what the world needs + wants 

What's it like to work with Lindsay? 

"If you’re thinking about working with Lindsay, just do it! And be prepared to cry... in the best kind of way."

You are such a light! I admire how you're able to hold the tension between being both a calm and grounding presence and a challenging and courageous coach. I just love you!

If you’re thinking about working with Lindsay, just do it! And be prepared to cry... in the best kind of way.

Before working with Lindsay, I felt like I was at a tipping point. I had spent the past few years honing my craft and growing my business while I was navigating a lot of personal ups and downs. I had been working (and maybe even hiding) in the background. No marketing. Not even a fully functional website. For a while that low profile worked for me. But now I'm ready to use my voice more... build more authority... own my expertise. However, I was having a hard time aligning my work with what truly moves me as a human being. Spotting the connections and themes like I do for my own clients.

Working with Lindsay, I felt energized, grounded, and seen. It gave me clarity on how the aspects of my work + passions can align together beautifully. . . plus the inspiration I needed to finally get my damn website done. :)

Andrea Littell, Andrea Littell Consulting
Dr. Rachel Fry, Legal Wellness Consultant

"Lindsay opened my eyes to ways I wasn't owning my space."

Before we started working together, I felt a bit all over! I started realizing it was time for me to make a shift -- my energy and focus were moving more towards working solely with attorneys. As this became my focus, I found myself developing future programs in my mind, reading books and the wheels were churning. I was struggling with trusting my gut and energy. I was worried about creating a niche that was too narrow. I had a thriving practice that was only expanding and was wondering how it would be to start building a new business while I already had one that was growing. Wondering if I was on the right path and if I could make my passion a "job," and feeling like I needed to organize my thoughts and ideas, led me to Lindsay.

Lindsay listened. 

No one else understood what I was trying to accomplish and where I wanted to go. She heard me and opened my eyes to blind spots and ways I wasn't owning my space and accomplishments. 

"You'll almost feel like she is holding your brain for you.""

I honestly didn't even know where to begin! I was worried about how to market my brand. I didn't even know how to zero in on an effective brand for myself and my new business. I was worried about presenting myself in the right light. Didn't want to sell myself short or corner myself in a niche I didn't feel passionate about. I think "the unknown" is what held me back the most.

Working with Lindsay, I feel driven! motivated! fired up to bravely forge ahead! I have direction and phrases to pull from that accurately describe my "why" and "how." I feel less intimidated and more compelled to confidently tell others about my unique business. . . I have direction, clarity and focus so I don't waste any time getting the business off on the right foot.

Lindsay is amazing at her job! She has a vast understanding of her field and has a desire to share that knowledge so others can succeed. She interviews you and digs deep into what makes you tick. At this point you'll almost feel like she is holding your brain for you to help point out the path & next-steps. Your brain is then able to be handed back over to you. It has been cleaned, de-cluttered and fine tuned to zero in on what task is most important for the next step in the plan. It's a freeing, yet empowering, feeling.

Christine Whittemore, Happy Accidents studio

You've been in business for at least 3 years but feel stuck now that it's time to grow or pivot, OR. . . 
You've built a professional career, but now, you're ready to build a business that lets you use your strengths and make your impact, OR. . . 

You know what you WANT to do, but you're struggling to move past what you feel like you SHOULD do, OR. . . 

You know it's time to make a shift, but you're struggling with building a proven, reliable plan to make it all happen, OR. . . 

You've tried business coaches, marketing strategists, and other experts, only to feel like they never quite understood how to match their process to the calling of your heart, OR . . 

You've spent years trying to ignore the still small voice inside your head, and now, you're ready to tune in and see what happens when you align who you are to what you do, OR. . . 

You're a founder who has spent years building your business, but it still feels like something's off and misaligned and it's super hard to trust your gut and energy. 

when we work together, here's how I help you finally say YES TO THOse BIG DREAMS THAT REFUSE TO LET YOU GO

1:1 cLARITY Coaching is right for you if. . . 

1:1 COACHING:  4, 60-minute coaching sessions where we'll use the concepts inside The Two Story Framework to expose your story blocks (the stories that keep showing up to keep you stuck) and identify simple and bold ways to bring your biggest business dreams into alignment with who you are and what you want. 

MESSAGE STRATEGY: We'll simplify all the storylines that have been running wild in your heart and mind and identify what stories will help you live out your calling. Because I believe that great coaching should always come with tangible results, here are a few takeaways you can expect:
  • Clarity on new offers (and specific ideas on how to build them out)
  • Brand messaging frameworks and outlines - so you know exactly how to start building out your message strategy (and exactly how to say it)
  • Thought leadership highlights to take the guesswork out of what you should be talking about and help you fast track your content library and more easily build authority in your space 
  • Audience insights - because ChatGPT can tell you everything the internet already knows about your audience, but if you really want to reach them, you need boots-on-the-ground insights so you can show up as a real human that they'll know, like, and trust 
  • Sales Scripts that eliminate the "how do I even talk about this" paralysis and give you confidence to approach your audience and sell with authority
  • Throughlines that help you connect your mission that's been written onto your heart to the dreams and desires of everyone else on your team -- so they're on board from the start and know how to help you build momentum and impact

Get access to my story-finding tools, resources, and frameworks so that even when your coaching sessions are up, you'll have all the help you need to keep writing and sharing your brand story.

VOXER + MY INBOX: I'll use these spaces to share my latest "aha" inspirations for your next move, to review any questions you've got or content you're creating, or to nudge you past a big obstacle when it shows up and tries to keep you stuck. 



If you're a coach, consultant, business owner, or organization

You know you’ve been called to do bigger things 

Consider this your iron-clad permission to finally step out and do them   
1:1 Clarity coaching
Let's talk

CURRENTLY ON SALE FOR $1,200 until 7/26

Who's Lindsay Hotmire, anyway? 






If you're talking the kind of stuff that goes on resumes, I hold a bachelor's and master's degree, specializing in the arts of writing, storytelling, and serious, deep-dive research.

I also wrote my first book when I was 6 years old and stuffed it in my days of the week underwear drawer. 

If you're looking for a few of the hard numbers. . . I've helped clients turn leads into sales with landing pages that have boasted a 60% conversion rate (soaring past a 2% industry standard).

I've overhauled a content strategy to increase lead targets by 30% and add nearly $1 M in additional revenue. I've helped build and execute a successful brand launch to successfully secure the transfer of more than $3.4 B in assets. And I've used research and strategy to initiate capital projects ranging from $100 M to $500 M .






I've spoken on the power of identity and storytelling on stages like INBOUND, Content Marketing World, Found Conference, and The Copywriter Club IRL. I've shared my message with podcast audiences across the globe, too. 






I've been known to make grown men cry. Seriously. 

The storytelling work I do alongside my clients digs deep into the human layers, and it always produces a result that generates crocodile tears from even the toughest of skins. 






I am a sucker for a good bourbon old-fashioned. Mostly because you can't guzzle down a drink like that. You've got to savor it. . . and that means you've also got to pull up a chair and get ready for some great one-on-one time with the people you're sharing it with. I am a question-asker to my core. I want to know what moves the people around me, and even more, I want to know what makes their hearts go tick-tock. 






"Holy Bananas, she really gets us!"  


I read through each piece and am experiencing of myriad of emotions, Lindsay. Everything from...holy bananas...she really gets is off the charts amazing how she was able to pull these insights and experience out of the conversations she had and create two brilliant case's a frickin' awesome home page.

You asked us great questions, you heard us, you asked our clients great questions, and you heard them...and took this enormous amount of data points and ran it through your super smarts and wrote content we could never have done. You made us real, tangible, guys who just want to help. Absolutely amazing. You orbit a distant moon of awesome! You're the best content strategist and writer someone could hire for their project. No one else will make them feel the way you do - or - deliver what you will deliver.


Stephen Woessner, CEO, PREDICTIVE ROI

If you know your heart's been trying to tell you something 

I'm here to help you find a smart, clear, and completely aligned way to finally tune in to what it's saying

Discover if 1:1  coaching is your best next step

This isn't how-tos or AI-written ideas.

It's my curious heart + mind connecting to your curious heart + mind as we try to find and make meaning in this ever-changing world.

Sign up to meet me in your inbox (on a not-so-regular basis). 

A newsletter that invites you to skip the everyday soundbites, trends, and mantras