Thoughts and insights to help you find clarity, tell your story, and grow your impact

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It can be so hard to step back from the expected narrative of our lives, and even easier to describe ourselves with language that feels safe and proven.

But what might happen if you take just a moment to really think about the characters, the themes, the individual moments, and the conversations in your life>> the ones that have made life super hard and the ones that have made life super beautiful?

How to tell a better brand story

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One of THE HARDEST parts about writing your own brand story is getting far enough away from your own nose. It’s hard to see past your own perspective. Even harder to silence the long-running narrative in your head that might not be 100% accurate.

Why your brand story needs a character analysis tool

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When you use the Character Analysis with your own brand story, you get to bust past the messy mental blocks that love to show up when you try to talk about yourself.

You get to find pieces of your story that say something powerful.

You get to discover pieces of your story that surprise you.

And you get to debut pieces of your story that connect with real people.

A deep dive into the character analysis tool

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We are all stepping into story with a very particular paradigm. We each have a worldview that shapes how we see and how we tell stories, and that worldview shapes the TRUTH we emerge with.

And when you don’t know what your paradigm is, when you’ve not done the work of discovering the pieces of your own worldview, then story loses its power – over you + over everyone else in your orbit.

13 Ways to Write a Story

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