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EPISODE SUMMARY Darrell Vesterfelt is a visionary leader who builds and scales businesses, but he didn’t begin his entrepreneurial journey with a roadmap for success. In this episode of Storyhouse, Darrell shares what it has looked like for him to grow and scale multiple businesses, and he shares some serious wisdom on how to avoid […]

How to authentically and sustainably grow your business beyond the balance sheet with Darrell Vesterfelt

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When a story changes the way you think, the way you move through the world, and the way you see yourself and others, that’s when it takes on the role of something bigger.  It’s no longer just plot and theme and character.  It’s more than the formulaic circle of the hero’s journey.  It becomes alive […]

Become a better leader (and build a stronger brand) with incarnational storytelling

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To play on the words of Karl Marx, deconstruction has become the opiate of the marketer.  Or slightly more practical, we marketers have become drunk love with criticism.  And as I dig into WHY that might be, I think it all circles back to Darwin >> We’re all fighting to survive, believing that if we […]

Want to tell great brand stories? Start with the .1%.

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You’ve felt the burn of your heart pounding in your chest, racing to marathon-level speeds as you wonder if you’re going to be able to show up with the right words to convince the right client to buy the right package so you can build the right business.  You’ve gone through all the story-finding bootcamps, […]

Here’s why your sales copy keeps missing the mark

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