Thoughts and insights to help you find clarity, tell your story, and grow your impact

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The world tells us that YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL, but what if that pursuit is the very thing that’s robbing you of a life well lived? I’m exploring this idea in today’s episode, so tune in to join the conversation.  If you’d like to ask yourself more deep thoughts like this, sign up for […]

Episode 29: You CAN’T have it all

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You turn everywhere and you’re being told and taught HOW to tell a story.  If you’re leader who wants to lead better, learn how to tell stories.  If you’re a biz owner who wants to business better, learn how to tell better stories.  If you’re a manager who wants to manage better. . . . […]

Episode 28: Story isn’t a magic pill

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LISTEN IN ON APPLE | SPOTIFY | AMAZON MUSIC EPISODE SUMMARY If you’re human, then by design, you’re creating story every moment of your life. Some of us are in seasons of life where we’re writing comedies. Others of us are writing mysteries, thrillers, or lyrical memoirs. For most of us, our lives will deliver stories of every genre. The […]

Episode 27: 4 easy steps to tell your story

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[Psssttt. If you’d like to read more posts like this, click here to invite me into your inbox. I only show up when I’ve got something worth sharing. ] I’m currently reading Richard Rohr’s Falling Upward for the second time.  I pulled it down from my bookshelf after talking to a handful of people who feel like […]

Forget about telling BIG stories

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